

Hot Water on Demand

Hot Water On Demand systems have changed the way that we get hot water to our plumbing fixtures. Rather than storing a tank of preheated water, it only heats what you need. The result is not just the hot water on demand, but a potential for saving energy and money.

So how do on demand systems work? With a conventional water heater all of the hot water comes from a central location. This is inefficient especially when the fixture you are using is far away from the water heater. An on demand system is mounted near the fixture you are going to use. When you turn the hot water on, the system takes in cold water, heats it as it is required, and immediately sends it a short distance to your plumbing fixture.

One thing to keep in mind though is the maximum flow rate of the on demand system. A typical system can provide between 2 and 5 gallons of hot water per minute. Like conventional water heaters, a gas model will outperform an electric model. Both, however, can be overwhelmed by heavy usage. If you have multiple showers in use simultaneously you could potentially run out of water. For these scenarios you should consider multiple on demand heaters plumbed in parallel or a separate on demand heater for each high use fixture. A distant upstairs bathroom or a clothes washer in the basement would be a good candidate for a separate on demand heater.

A household using about 40 gallons of hot water daily can save between 24 and 34 percent energy when compared to a traditional tank style water heater. A heavy water usage household will see between 8 and 14 percent savings. If you install a separate on demand system at each fixture, though, your energy savings jump to between 27 and 50 percent!

If you would like to know more about on demand systems, give Mies Plumbing a call. We can help you select the right system for you home to ensure an endless supply of comfort and monthly savings for your pocketbook.